U.S. Supreme Court: The District of Col­umbia Bar presents “Halliburton: What Happens Next?” The session begins at 12:30 p.m. Location: Russell Senate Office Building, 2 Constitution Ave. N.E., Room 385. Cost: free. Registration and information: (202) 626-3463 or www.dcbar.org.

Energy Forum: The Energy Bar Associ­ation and George Washington University Law School present “Annual Energy Enforcers and Defenders Forum.” The forum begins at 3 p.m. Speakers: Andrea Wolfman, Alston & Bird; Gretchen Lowe, Commodity Futures Trading Commission; Sonia Mendonca, North American Electric Reliability Corp.; Larry Parkinson, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; Vanessa Sutherland, U.S. Transportation Department Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration; Donna McCaffrey, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission; and Daria Zane, adjunct professor, universities of Baltimore and Maryland. Location: George Washington University Law School, 2000 H St. N.W. Cost: $0-$45, EBA members; $10-$60, non-EBA members. Registration and information: (202) 223-5625 or www.eba-net.org.